Tuesday, March 5, 2013


It has happened I am officially a victim of the DIY/Pinterest generation in which we live. I’ve been successful some DIY projects for example I successfully dyed some seat covers with coffee.

How To:
1. Make a regular pot of coffee.
2. Mix the coffee with water in a large bin.
3. Place your item in the bin and let it soak until it is the desired color.
4. Take item out of coffee/water and let dry.

As you can see this is a pretty complex process so naturally I felt confident moving on to something bigger and better like convincing my husband we should paint our kitchen cabinets.

Let me give you a bit of the back story - my husband and I built a home that we moved into in October 2011. I wanted white kitchen cabinets however it was a significant upgrade cost for soooooooooooo I had the brilliant idea to just do it ourselves. I figured sure everyone else on the internet can paint their own cabinets and those seat covers look pretty bad ass so why can’t we do this?

This is why we can’t/couldn’t paint our own cabinets because that shit is hard and sucks. For starters it took over a year to get to the actual “paint them” stage and then when we started it a million times longer than the instructions said it would take and they looked like crap. I’m not just being picky here the end result was nothing short of an epic fail. ½ way through the process we said screw it and are going to have the cabinets professionally painted.

I did some looking around on the internet because I know I’m not only and I needed to make myself feel a little bit better about sucking and sure enough http://www.pinterestfail.com/ BAME! My favorite is the Baby Christmas Photo.

Here is what I think we should all take away from this - don’t do crap yourself that you can pay someone else to do.

Monday, February 25, 2013

There is a First (third) Time for Everything

This is my second attempt at a blog and my third start at this blog. I’ll admit I think the main problem with getting this blog off the ground is finding a central theme, aside from myself, in which the blog will focus. Food, fashion, hostessing, DIYing, traveling, etc, etc, etc. Here is the problem with each of those things: food - I eat food I don’t create food; fashion - hahaha; hostesting - I’m not exactly Martha Stewart; DIYing - again hahaha; and travel - do daily trips to Target count as travel? So this blog will be about what I know; myself. It’s about my life. The good, the bad, the funny, the fat, and everything in between.

I don’t exactly practice censorship so I can pretty much guarantee that I will offend you at some point ibetween right now and when the world comes to an end. If I offend you once I’m sorry, if I offend you twice well you really should have known better, and if I continue to offend you perhaps you should stop reading my blog unless you are one of those people that likes to get worked up in which case knock your socks off. Also, don’t stop reading my blog or at the very least just continue to visit my blog, you don’t have to read anything, but I could really use the page clicks. If you find that you must express yourself and scold me for being a horrible person please feel free. You can email me at idisagreewithyouandthiswhy@gmail.com .

Just to clarify it’s not that I’m wildly offensive it’s more that people are too sensitive.